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About us

Who we are

International Association of Oil Transporters (IAOT) was established in 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic, as an international voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organization. It aims to support its Members conducting business in the transport of oil and oil products and to effectively coordinate the efforts of its Members to create the most efficient possible conditions for such activity.

What we do

The IAOT wants to promote comprehensive development in the oil and oil products transportation and storage on international, national and regional levels. This includes monitoring, development and implementation of industry-specific regulations, representation of the Members’ interests in  public authorities, regulatory bodies, professional organizations, NGOs etc., and promoting positive perception of oil and oil products transportation and storage of.

Currently, the IAOT has these members: „TRANSNAFTA AD Pančevo (Serbia) „Transneft“ PJSC (Russia), „Gomeltransneft Druzhba“ JSC (Belarus), „MOL“ (Hungary), „KazTransOil“ JSC (Kazakhstan), China National Petroleum Corporation (China), the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Russia) and further MERO ČR, a. s. (Czech Republic), JSC „JANAF“ (Croatia), „Ukrtransnafta“ JSC (Ukraine) and TRANSPETROL a.s. (Slovakia).